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Third Eye Chakra

SIGHT – Third eye “I SEE” Light Wisdom

Relates to physic potential, Intuition, vision, imagination, knowing, insight, perception, co-creation, acknowledging wisdom and spiritual gifts.

Honoring and Activating the Element

Ether associated with ESP. Located in the middle of the forehead just above the eyes. Helps to hone your intuition and see the bigger picture. Is the energy center in our body responsible for reality, perception, manifesting, thought, intuition, imagination, thought, and self-awareness. It is associated with the color indigo and the pineal gland within the brain, and regulates the energy associated with insight and wisdom. It governs inner vision, image making and imagination.

Think back to your childhood. Were you raised in a closed-minded family?

Was freethinking encouraged in your childhood, or were you conditioned to “obey without questioning”?

Was your early life environment emotionally stable?

Did you parents or caretakers value your insights and perspectives?

Honoring The Sage Archetype

Role Wisdom Creates Compassion Works with Intuition Message Observe The intellect and the ego are only part of your inner voice.

The Sage archetype is here to remind us that we have other ways of knowing. Divine guidance and the voice of the heart are speaking to you. Restores clear vision by helping you to access your inner wisdom; you intuition. Put your worries aside and assures us that we already know the answer.

It is connected to duality type of perception that opposes reality created solely by the mind. When in harmony with the rest of the chakras a doorway towards spiritual enlightenment is opened.

Positive State

The Wise One

Humor, flexibility, cultivation of wisdom, being connected to your intuition, have clarity of thought.

Negative State

The Intellectual

Rigid, dry, factual, and rational, Indecision, lack of empathy, inability to relate to others.

Healing Techniques

Stop believing your thoughts, educate yourself, simplify, declutter, commit to a spiritual practice, prayer, gratitude, be open to guidance, breath work, intuition, perception, senses, visualization, yoga, affirmations, meditation, mindfulness, color therapy, aromatherapy, gratitude, movement, music, sound, and other creative activities.


Dream, life vision accepting your THIRD EYE energy mystical medicine, exploring your SIGHT, psychic potential, divine blessings memorable events, and heart desire brain storm.

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