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Root Chakra

GROUNDED – Root “I AM” Earth Stability

Relates to survival, money, security, family, physical strength, safety, needs, and acknowledging fears.

Honoring and Activating the Element

EARTH the foundation of being is located at the base of the spine it grounds and stabilizes us. A primal and fundamental energy center that regulates energies associated with instinct, survival, and safety.

Are you ready to reclaim you connection to self and to Earth energy and wisdom?

Honoring the Earth Mother Archetype

Role Provider Creates Independence Works with Strength Message Stand Strong
This energy returns us to a safe nurturing place within that connects and grounds us. Earth Mothers energy reminds us of our earthly purpose. Let her hold you in her arms and walk without fear shedding your victim archetype.

Positive State

The Mother

Nurturing, self-sufficient, responsible, grounded, secure, safe, and stable.

Negative State

The Victim

Lacking energy, empowerment, and life force
Confusion, low-self-esteem, inability to trust
Are you currently in a positive state or a negative state?
The mother or the victim?

Healing Techniques

Stop believing your thoughts, educate yourself, simplify, declutter, commit to a spiritual practice, prayer, gratitude, be open to guidance, breath work, intuition, perception, senses, visualization, yoga, affirmations, meditation, mindfulness, color therapy, aromatherapy, gratitude, movement, music, sound, and other creative activities.


Self-awareness accepting your ROOT energy mystical medicine, exploring your FEARS and triggers, and setting intentions.

Feel the need to chit chat? Want to learn more?

Book a call.

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